Improve your investment profits Automatically
Mange your investing risk and performance in one place—across all your accounts.

Your portfolio weighting Vizualized.

Keep your portfolio allocated correctly. Understand your exposure across all accounts. See how it all evolves over time.
Performance against benchmark.

Plot your transactions against your equity curve. See how it is performing against your favorite benchmark.
Risk management as leverage.

Visualize your portfolio risk through time against the benchmark. Assess drawdown and volatility to keep your investments safe.
Analyze all Your Accounts in the Same Place.
Get an immediate snapshot of the key performance and risk metrics. Analyze each account separately or the aggregate view.

Understand how each positionis performing.
All positions across all accounts—and the consolidated values—in the same place. Advanced hedge-fund quality risk and performance metrics.
Your trade thesis next to performance.
Get an immediate snapshot of the key performance and risk metrics. Analyze each account separately or the aggregate view.